Thai cuisine


Thai cuisine is taboo or a true gourmet paradise

Recently, more and more information about Thailand has appeared in the media and on the Internet. This is due to the fact that this country is the most popular tourist destination not only among our compatriots, but also among tourists from other countries of the world.

To get acquainted with the culture of Thailand, its history, indulge in entertainment is the dream of any traveler. However, Thailand is also a true gourmet paradise. National Thai cuisine, which includes dishes from meat, seafood, fruits, vegetables, is considered unique. This is largely due to the fact that the "free country" has never been someone's colony. That is why the national dishes of Thailand are real masterpieces, which, by the way, may not be to everyone's taste.

To begin with, Thai cuisine is a combination of five tastes: spicy and bitter, sweet, sour and salty. In Thailand, it is quite possible to find baked meat poured with chili sauce, which is accompanied by a salad of sweet bananas. You will never surprise a Thai with a sweet fruit dessert, which is sprinkled with hot and hot pepper. A tourist who goes to Thailand for the first time should definitely know that bread familiar in Europe can be found in this country only in specialized stores, or in restaurants intended for visitors from the Old World.

The main product of Thai cuisine is, of course, the well-known rice. It is eaten for breakfast, lunch and dinner. A traveler who decides to learn what real Thai cuisine is, should be prepared for the fact that instead of hot coffee with a bun for breakfast, he will be offered fatty soup with pork and rice noodles. In fairness, it should be noted that in Southern Thailand, where Phuket, beloved by all tourists, is located, pork is rarely eaten, since it is in this part of the country that a large number of Muslims live.

Thai food never includes milk or lactic acid products. Since the flow of tourists to Thailand is constantly increasing every year, yoghurts and kefir are very often advertised on local television: you can find them in small quantities in almost any store, although Thais are rather skeptical about milk. Thai cuisine is, as mentioned above, a huge selection of seafood, rice cakes and ... a large assortment of insects. Yes, yes, you heard right, Thais everywhere eat cockroaches, locusts, water bugs and various larvae. Even a real gourmet is quite difficult to accept and taste these dishes. Although insects in terms of protein content in them are in no way inferior to pork, beef or lamb. Mostly locusts, cockroaches, maggots are deep-fried and used as a snack. Something like nuts or chips for our compatriots. It is customary to steam water bugs in Thailand.

Why does Thai cuisine include so many species of insects? Yes, because they do not have to spend huge amounts of money on their breeding, and they have excellent taste. At least, tourists who managed to cross the psychological barrier say so.

Going to Thailand, you should not be afraid that tourists are fed there such exotic dishes for them. In all hotels and restaurants you can order your usual food. But, visiting Thailand and not knowing what Thai cuisine is famous for throughout the world is an unforgivable mistake. To do this, you just need to be brave and skip before a meal a couple of glasses of 35-degree whiskey, which is very much appreciated in Thailand, in a country that was previously called Siam, which literally translates into Russian as "free country".


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