Churches and temples of Florence - 13 main shrines


This city is considered the birthplace of the Renaissance, which gave the planet priceless masterpieces, architecture, painting, numerous poets, writers and musicians. The atmosphere of the past centuries of the city is combined with the life of modern buildings, streets, squares. Numerous sights, churches and temples of Florence, with inexplicable magical power, attract the eye, forcing you to stop, go inside.

Church of the Nativity of Christ and Nicholas the Wonderworker

Not far from the main bus station of the city, a five-domed church rises, well known for its appearance from the temples of Russia. The principles of the Moscow-Yaroslavl architecture of the 17th century were reflected in the architecture of the temple of Italy not by chance. Its history begins with the acquisition by the Russian Orthodox Church of a land plot near the Munyone River. Construction on the project of Preobrazhensky began in July 1899. The first Orthodox church in Italy has a two-story structure, a high porch, a central part decorated with kokoshniks and traditional five domes.

The lower part of the church was erected in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (consecrated in 1902). There is a wooden iconostasis, a large number of interesting icons created by specialists from the Peshekhonov workshop. Many elements of the decoration of the lower floor were transferred from the collection of Prince P. Demidov. The upper part was built in honor of the Nativity of Christ (consecrated in 1903). Here is an interesting iconostasis made of the famous white marble. The wall paintings are made in the style of Russian Art Nouveau. The church contains rare relics, for example, the bell taken from the cruiser Admaz, which took part in the Battle of Tsushima. Cross of Metropolitan, Patriarch of Moscow, All Russia Filaret (Romanov).

The church is located at Via Leone X, 12. You can get there by bus routes 2.8.13. 14.20.28.

Florence: Uffizi Gallery Entrance Ticket
Uffizi Gallery Priority Entrance
Florence Cathedral: Dome Entry Ticket
Florence: Palazzo Vecchio Entrance Ticket and Audio Guide
Florence: Hop-on Hop-off Tour. Ticket for 24, 48 or 72 hours
Leonardo da Vinci Museum: Entrance Ticket
Florence: Guided Duomo Tour with Dome Climb
Entrance ticket to the Basilica of San Lorenzo
Hot air balloon ride over Tuscany: Florence

Church of Santa Maria Novella

The architectural form of the building, decorated with a geometric pattern of polished marble tiles, resembles an openwork box. You will definitely want to open it, look inside at the first glance at the old building. Its initial role was formed by the powerful, rich order of the Dominicans, who were building for themselves another monastery and church. It was built on the site of the old chapel of Santa Maria delle Vigne. Construction ended in 1420. The interesting façade of the church was commissioned by the Ruchelai family. Their symbol in the form of a boat with inflated sails adorns the portal of the building.

The pylons (in the form of columns with lancet windows) are considered the original element of the church. The interior of the church has changed several times, supplemented with new elements. Now it is formed by works of art of the IVX-XVI centuries. Among them you can see a monument to Blessed Villana, the tombs of Bishop Fiesole, Philip Strozzi, a bust of St. Antonin. An altar with an interesting bronze crucifix was built in the Maggiore Chapel. In the Chapel of Strotia, you can see the famous frescoes depicting the Last Judgment and other oldest frescoes in Florence.

The church is located at Piazza Santa Maria Novella and receives visitors from 9 am to 7 pm. The entrance ticket price is 5 €.

Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore

The "Beautiful", "Blooming" Florence (the capital of Tuscany) at the time of its heyday, the growth of population, it became necessary to build a cathedral, demonstrating its greatness. Such a temple in 1434 was the Duomo, built on the site of the ancient cathedral of Santa Reparata, which existed for 9 centuries. In those days, it could accommodate all residents of the city. Today, the dome of the church, towering over the brightly tiled roofs of the city's neighborhoods, points the way to one of Florence's top attractions.

Having overcome 414 steps, you can appreciate the beauty of the surroundings from the top of the tower, and go around the majestic dome using one more staircase. In its creation, the ingenious engineering solutions of the architect Brunelleschi were used, which allowed the Temple to stand for many centuries. It took almost 14 years to build the huge dome. Its height, together with a small temple at the top (acting as a lantern) is about 107 m. This amazing architectural element has securely held the structure of the dome for centuries. As a result, the world is forever conquered by the view, size, beauty of the decoration of the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore. The dimensions of the cathedral (153 m long, 90 m wide) allowed it to take the fourth place in the world.

The Cathedral is located in the city center. It is impossible not to notice it. Any bus route will take everyone to Cathedral Square. The cathedral is open for visits from 10 am to 5 pm (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday). On Sunday, visiting hours start at 13.30 to 4.45 pm. The museum is open all days of the week (except Sunday) from 9 am to 7.30 pm. You don't have to pay to enter the church. Climbing the dome, visiting the museum will cost 6 €. You can see the excavations of the ancient Cathedral of Santa Reparata for 3 €. A complex ticket that gives the right to visit these places costs 8 €.

Church of All Saints

Onyssanti, or the Church of All Saints on the way to becoming the first basilica of Florence, participated in many historical events, developing with the participation of numerous rulers. The names of famous architects and artists remained in the interesting elements of the external and internal interiors of the church. For example, the creations of the famous masters of painting Botticelli, Ghirlandaio (Michelangelo's teacher) still amaze with the beauty of extraordinary frescoes. These are "The Last Supper", "The Merciful Madonna", "Saint Jerome". "Saint Augustine" by Botticelli, considered a classic Renaissance creation. By the way, his life is closely connected with this church, which houses the tomb of the famous master.

It is located at the feet of the beloved artist Simoneta Vespucci buried here. The one who was the wife of a relative of Amertgo Vespucci, after whom America got its name. Her beautiful face is forever frozen in the works of the enamored Renaissance artist (Venus, Spring on famous canvases). The history of the emergence of the church is associated with the Vespucci family. She originally belonged to the family. The construction of the new basilica began in 1251 as an element of the monastery complex of humiliates. Thanks to the strong financial backing of the wealthy people of Florence, the (Baroque) church quickly amassed masterpieces from works of art performed by famous masters in different centuries.

The church is located at Borgo Ognissanti, 42, 50123 Firenze. Entrance to the church is organized without payment from Monday to Sunday from 7.30 am to 7.45 pm with a break.

Basilica of Santa Croce

The restored Gothic façade of the church, consecrated by Pope Eugene IV in 1442, attracts attention with its architectural elements. Among them, the central nave illuminated by the sun, numerous stained-glass windows (some of them are more than 7 centuries old). Through them, the interior of the church is illuminated in different shades. The unusual decorative element in the shape of the Star of David reminds of the author of the design of the new facade, the Jew Nikolo Mattas.The Basilica or "Church of the Holy Cross" has the shape of a T-shaped cross. 115 m is the length of the main nave of the church. This is the largest church of the Franciscans. The church has 16 chapels (chapels) decorated with frescoes by famous masters of the country who lived at different times.

The facade of the church is a real, expensive work of art made of elements of multi-colored marble. The main feature of the church is considered to be the numerous tombs belonging to the great people of Italy. Their names are forever written on the tombs containing the ashes that make up the Pantheon of Florence. Galileo, Michelangelo Buanorotti, Dante Alighieri, Niccolo Machiavelli, Gioacinno Rossini, Enrico Fermi and many other great personalities (about 300) rest on a marble bed with the figure of the master on the sarcophagus.

Each tomb has an arch supported by columns. Together with unique frescoes, sculptures. the paintings of the tombs make up the unsurpassed wealth of the church, create an atmosphere of eternal tranquility. The basilica is located at Piazza Santa Croce, 16. Open for visits daily from 9.30 am to 5.30 pm. On holidays, Sundays, the church is open from 14:00 to 17:00. Adults pay 8 € to enter the church, children over 11 years old pay 6 €. There is a family ticket with a price of 8 €.

Basilica of San Lorenzo

A small church built in honor of Saints Lawrence and Zenovy stood on this site as early as the 4th century. The church served as the Cathedral of Florence until the 7th century. Then they moved on to the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiori. In the 16th century, the richest family of Italy, the Medici, began to rebuild the church into a family tomb. The creations of great masters in architecture, sculpture, painting have embodied their ideas in the design of the external and internal parts of the new church. Behind the simple, majestic walls of the basilica, there are interesting masterpieces of their work.

Among them are the Old Sacristy chapel, created by Philip Brunelleschi, the New Sacristy, which appeared due to the brilliant work of Michelangelo Buanarotti. Historians say that he failed to finish the facade of the basilica in accordance with his plans. The interior of the church is much more beautiful and rich than the exterior. The complex, beautiful pattern of the floor mosaic, the starry sky created on the ceiling, fills the atmosphere of the church with ecclesiastical, magical content. The tombs of family members, sarcophagi, decorated with interesting sculptures, harmoniously complement it. In the church you can see an interesting chapel of princes, the old Laurentian Library.

The basilica is located at Piazza di San Lorenzo, 9. The church is open to visitors from Monday to Saturday (from 10.00 to 17.00 hours). The ticket price for the entrance to the church is 4.5 €, the library is 3 €, the Medici chapel is 8 €. A general ticket can be purchased for 8 €.

Church of Santa Trinita

A small building with a simple facade, like a magic box, hides behind its walls a free museum of medieval masterpieces created by the artists of Ghirlandaio, Mariotto di Nardo. Its famous "Trinity" adorns the main altar of the church. All chapels (chapels) are painted by famous artists. The central part of the church is decorated with a painting dedicated to the birth of Christ "Adoration of the Shepherds." Ghirlandaio's unique creations have always attracted increased interest, increasing their value. This was well understood by the monks of the Vallombrosin order (professing asceticism), which owns an old church.

The church was built in 1280. Repaired and rebuilt many times. In the 16th century, a bas-relief of the Holy Trinity appeared on the facade of the building. Much later, the church was decorated with a door with images of holy monks, a cozy courtyard with arcades was formed. Its chapels are considered to be of great value. The church has combined a variety of architectural styles, while retaining elements of the Gothic. The church is now a Catholic basilica. It is considered one of the oldest churches in Florence.

The church is located in the city center, near the Santa Trinita bridge at Santa Trìnita, Holy Trinity Church.

Church of Santa Maria del Carmine

A small church, erected in honor of the Madonna of the Carmelite Order in 1268, is considered a landmark of ancient Florence. Five towers, a small window and a simple façade of the church hide the extraordinarily beautiful interior of the church. Constant changes have brought baroque and rococo elements to the Romano-Gothic look of the church. Ancient frescoes, marble sculptures of the interior decoration have been preserved in their original form. The church has five tombs (chapels), monastery rooms. Among them, Brancacci Chapel is considered unique.

It is decorated with frescoes depicting the life of the Apostle Peter. "Baptism of neophytes by Peter", "Peter heals the sick with his shadow", "Miracle with a statyr". The frescoes were created by the famous masters Masaccio, Masolino. Access to the church for acquaintance with the chapel has been allowed since 1990. The entrance to the church is organized free of charge. Visiting the frescoes of the Brancacci Chapel is possible for a payment of 3 €. The church complex includes the Corsini Chapel, an active nunnery of the Carmelites.

The church is located at Piazza del Carmine, 50124 Firenze.

Basilica of Santo Spirito

The Church of the Holy Spirit is a late creation by the famous Filippo Brunelleschi. She was to become an important element of the huge urban development project of Florence. It was not possible to complete the construction in full accordance with the bold plans of the architect. The construction of the early Renaissance church, as well as the Basilica of San Lorenzo, took place after the death of the great master. On the site of the new church there was a 13th century monastery (burned down in 1471). It was considered the intellectual center of Florence. The monastery had a school, a library, an almshouse, and a canteen for the poor.

The inhabitants of the city dreamed of continuing their good deeds in the new church. The simple, elegant style of the building's architecture amazes with its proportions and color scheme. Inside the church are the famous monuments of painting "The Crucifixion" by Michelangelo, "Madonna and Child with the Saints" by Lippo, "The Expulsion of the Merchants from the Temple" by Stradano. The architectural complex includes the Kronaki vestibule, two cloisters, the Sangalo sacristy. The Romano Foundation Museum is located at the entrance to the temple. It contains the painting "The Last Supper" by Andrea Orcanyi.
The church is located at Via Porta Aurea, 48121 Ravenna RA.

Basilica of Saint Miniato al Monte

On one of the high hills of Florence, there is an old basilica that has preserved the architectural elements of the best examples of buildings in Italy, made in the traditions of the ancient Romanesque style. According to an ancient legend, there was a chapel (cave) at this place where the first martyr of Florence, Miniato (Minas, of Armenian origin and who appeared in Italy in 250), died. Gradually, a monastery was erected next to the church, designed by Michelangelo, transferred to the Benedictine Order. Later it was rebuilt, fortress walls appeared. Local monks still offer their famous liqueurs, herbal infusions, honey.

The façade of the church, decorated with tiles of rare multi-colored marble, is considered an example of the old style of Tuscany. The modern lighting system of the church makes its façade shimmer, sparkle, emphasizing the beauty of the inlaid pattern of the pediment and the ancient mosaic "Christ between the Madonna and Saint Miniato", created in the 12th century. The interior of the church has preserved the Romanesque - Florentine style: the central part of the floor is decorated with beautiful marble mosaics with the signs of the Zodiac, figures of symbolic animals. Ancient frescoes have been preserved on the walls of the temple. Of interest are the crypt of the basilica, the pulpit of the Presbytery, the chapel of St. James, the Crucifixion. Near the church, there is a cemetery with the grave of the famous writer Carlo Collodi, who created Pinocco.

The church is located at Via delle Porte Sante, 34, 50125 Firenze. The basilica begins its work at 7.00 o'clock in the morning with a service. Tourists are allowed to enter from 9.30 am to 19.00 pm from Monday to Saturday.Admission is free, donations of 1, 2 € are welcome.

Church of Santa Felicita

From the ancient church, built in honor of Saint Felicitate in the 4th century, only a few elements have survived. Among them are the painting of the altar "Descent from the Cross, Lamentation", the decoration of the dome "Four Evangelists", made by the famous painter of Italy Jacolo Pontormo. The construction of a new Gothic temple began after the end of the plague epidemic. It was consecrated in 1354. Today, only the Chapter Room with paintings by Jerini can be seen. The modern church "Holy Happiness" appeared in the 18th century.

Preserved chapels Kanidzhani, Kapponi, choirs of the XVII century, the sacristy. In it you can see interesting collections of paintings, for example, "Madonna and Child", "Annunciation", "Birth of Jesus", "Meeting of St. Anne and St. Joachim". Works created by Volterrano, Ghirlandaio, Lorenzo, Gaddi. The oldest church in Florence is located in the square of the same name. Open to visitors from 9.00 am to 8.30 pm.

Baptistery of San Giovanni

The ancient building is one of the main attractions of Florence, adorning the Cathedral Square. There are legends that tell that in the 1st century there was a temple dedicated to Mars. Only in the 9th century, the rebuilt building in the shape of a regular octagon turned into a Romanesque basilica. The church received the status of a baptistery (place of baptism) in 1128. For another hundred years, it also served as the Cathedral. Until the 9th century, members of the famous Medici families, Dante, hundreds of famous names of the country, thousands of commoners accepted the faith of Catholicism in the baptistery.

In order for parishioners to take part in the baptism ceremony, three pairs of gates were built in the building. Now they are of particular value to the baptistery. For example, the surface of the South Gate is decorated with 28 paintings from scenes of the life of John the Baptist, made by the famous master Pisano. There are 10 illustrations of Old Testament history at the East Gate. They are also called the "Gates of Paradise". On the North Gate, there are gilded bas-reliefs of New Testament paintings made in the Gothic style.

The interior of the baptistery is striking in beauty and of great value. They include a snow-white marble dome painted by various Italian craftsmen. The majestic image of Jesus, frescoes depicting scenes of the Last Judgment, Holy Scripture, the Heavenly Hierarchy. The frescoes that adorn the pulpit of the baptistery are considered the most beautiful in Tuscany. There is also a famous baptismal spring, which has become an important element of the baptismal ceremony over the course of 9 centuries.

The Baptistery of San Gioavanni is located at Piazza del Duomo. Open from 11.15 to 18.30 hours. The entrance ticket price is 5 €.

Church and Convent of San Marco

The complex with this name consists of the Church of San Marco and the convent (now it houses a museum). The church was consecrated in 1443. In 1498, the Dominican priest Savonarola was its abbot. You can see the cell where he lived, the portrait. The convent building was the first in Florence to have graceful proportions of Renaissance architectural elements.

The frescoes of the monastery were created by Beato Angelico. They are used to decorate cells, corridors, and other rooms of the monastery. Many works by Italian masters of the Early Renaissance have become world-class masterpieces, attracting the attention of fans. The monastery has been closed since 1866. It houses the Museum of Beato Angelico, the famous painter of the 15th century.

The Museum houses a library with a large collection of ancient manuscripts. The organization of work in the library is interesting. It was forbidden to use the manuscripts without the permission of specially elected executors. Every year, in their presence, the monks made an inventory. When a book was not found, the monks made a fresh manuscript. You can visit the complex, located at Piazza San Marco, 1-3, from Monday to Friday from 8.15 am to 4.40 pm. The ticket costs 4 €.

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