What to see in Sicily by car - 16 most interesting places


What to see in Sicily by car? Anything you want! The possibility of free movement, independence from taxis and public transport (which runs very irregularly) allows for a short vacation time to visit not only the promoted resorts, but also quiet rural villages. And the speed of movement is determined only by your own mood and desire. The only limitation: if the trip takes place during the high season, it is recommended to book hotels in advance. This is necessary in order to receive the optimal quality of services at a reasonable price.

The advantages of car rental

More and more tourists are renting a car near the place of the planned holiday. This is not surprising: traveling by car, you can visit the main attractions of Sicily in a short time, appreciate the beaches of the northern and southern parts of the island. This type of vacation is ideal for those who cannot sit in one place even for 10 days. But having read horror stories about unscrupulous car lessors, tourists are afraid to conclude contracts with unknown companies. But, fortunately, there are firms that have proven themselves in this market sector: for example,



The first city seen on the island of Sicily is Catania. From the airport, you should immediately go to study it. The situation with parking lots in the center is not very good, but you can still find a place. Today, this city is thriving with many fashion boutiques, so Catania will delight shoppers too. And for sightseeing, 1 day will be enough.

The main historical buildings are located in the central square: Piazza del Duomo. From here begins the main street: Via Etnea. It pierces the city from south to north. Catania is compact: it is worth moving a little from the center to see the rest of the cultural monuments. It is worth paying attention to:

  • fountain made of basalt with the figure of an elephant
  • Italian Baroque monument - St. Agatha's Cathedral (12th century)
  • Bellini Opera House
  • Ursino castle
  • fountain of Proserpine and Hades

It is worth climbing Mount Etna: the fire-breathing craters look amazing. And not far from the eastern end of the volcano, in the village of San Alfio, there is a unique Chestnut of hundreds of horses. This is the oldest natural monument: according to scientists, it is about 4000 years old! Having a rental car at your disposal, you should definitely look at this miracle!

Around Etna, the lands are cultivated and artificially irrigated: there are many vineyards and orchards. Therefore, it is in this area that the most delicious fruits and excellent local wine are. All this should be definitely tried, and maybe purchased for gifts to friends. If you have no desire to go further on the same day, you can stay overnight at a hotel. Prices vary by location and star rating, but service is excellent everywhere.


The first thing that catches your eye when leaving Catania is not the neatness of the local roads. They are very similar to the tracks of Greece (Halkidiki). Moreover, the difference between paid and free sites is practically not noticeable. It is worth driving only 65 km along the coast to the south, and there they are, Syracuse. This interesting place consists of 2 parts: the old city, located on the island of Ortigia, and the new, mainland. It is pleasant to walk on the island planted with cypresses and palm trees. In addition, it is here that the famous Archimedes Square and the Temple of Apollo are located.

And history buffs will appreciate the Neapolis Archaeological Park with its wonderful quarries, the Greek theater, the Ear of Dionysus cave. There are excellent beaches in the vicinity. The swimming season begins in early May and lasts until mid-November, so it is worth staying in the city to enjoy the gentle waves of the sea and lie on the soft sand. Those wishing to spend a few days in Syracuse should choose hotels on the island of Ortigia: everything there is imbued with the spirit of antiquity.

Castello Maniace

This Syracuse landmark is located at the southern tip of Ortigia. The castle is named after the commander George Maniak, who returned Syracuse to Byzantium in the 11th century. It was he who built the harbor, at the entrance to which he installed 2 bronze rams. The castle was built by order of Frederick 1 in the 13th century. It is noteworthy that the walls were decorated too gracefully for a functioning fort. From its founding until the explosion of supplies in the 18th century, Castello Maniace defended the city from the sea. For some time it served as a royal residence. Previously, it was possible to get into the territory only by a drawbridge, today the moat is covered with earth, and an ordinary road leads to the monument.


The town is located in the very south of Sicily. Ragusa is called an island on the island: it consists of 2 parts: the old (Ibla) and the new (Superior). Between them lies a wide and deep ravine, and the areas are connected by 3 bridges.

Tourists mainly visit the sights:

  • church of Santa Maria dei Miracoli
  • Cathedral of John the Baptist
  • Cathedral of Saint George
  • palazzo
  • Port Vattiri gate
  • Ibla park

The architecture of the town is so unique that the whole of Ragusa is a UNESCO cultural heritage site. It is noteworthy that there are enough cafes and restaurants in the town, and, most often, fans of cultural tourism visit it, so there are not many people in Ragusa. It is pleasant to spend 1-2 evenings here. If you want to combine sightseeing of Ragusa with a beach holiday, you should visit the clean beaches of Marina di Ragusa. To do this, drive to the coast for 25 km.


In order to arrive at the next point of the road trip, you will have to travel more than 100 km. Taking into account the lack of maintenance of local roads, it will take more than 2.5 hours. Today Agrigento is a small town, although it was once a thriving commercial city. Unfortunately, few people come here: tourists prefer to see the sights located in the vicinity of the town. And it is definitely worth a visit.

There is also something to see here:

  • Temple of Olympian Zeus
  • historic center (especially impressive at sunset)
  • Cathedral
  • Cathedral of Our Lady
  • sanctuary of Kaloger
  • museum of precious stones

A collection of rare plants is presented in the botanical garden. There are caves on the territory of the complex, which are also worth exploring. And the beaches of Agrigento are considered one of the best in Sicily. There is fine sand, a warm sea. True, after storms, plucked algae are nailed to the shore, but they are quickly removed.

Scala dei Turchi

The Turkish Staircase is located 10 km from the Valley of the Temples, in the Porto Empedocle area. There is a paid parking lot, from which you have to walk about 500 m to the cape. Local residents say that Turkish pirates once hid in caves on the coast. Hence the name of the cape. The very rock of the Turks is composed of white limestone. He steps down into the sea.

The contrast between the snow-white stone and the azure sea is interesting: the water seems to have an even more intense color. Sicilian kids dive off ledges, but this risky trick should not be repeated. If you want to swim, you should go to one of the 2 equipped beaches located nearby. They are sandy and have minimal infrastructure.

Valley of the Temples

A unique complex located in the southeastern part of Agrigento. The entrance to the territory is paid, and you will also have to pay for parking the car.

Unfortunately, the unique complex is in need of large-scale restoration. The best preservation is:

  • tomb of Theron
  • temple of Zeus
  • Concordia temple
  • Juno complex

Against the background of these artifacts, it is pleasant to take selfies and take pictures. The rest of the sights are like heaps of stones.It is extremely hot on the territory of the Valley: for a comfortable examination you will need a skin protection cream and a hat.


Trapani is located in the west of Sicily. This city can hardly be called the tourist center of the island, but nevertheless, the flow of tourists (especially those who rent cars) is growing. Trapani has developed historically as a commercial port and a center for salt production. Salt is mined today in the traditional way: it is considered the best on the island. Tourists willingly buy it for gifts. The historical center is interesting: it is a promontory that goes deep into the sea. It is called the nose of the city.

It is here that old buildings, cafes and restaurants, souvenir shops and boutiques are concentrated. During the high season, it is crowded here. But there are no beaches suitable for swimming in the center. The coastal zone is occupied by a port. Several plots have been allocated for recreation by the Tirrent Sea, the best of which is Lido Paradiso. The shore is strewn with fine sand, there are changing cabins, a toilet, a shower. There is a free zone next to Lido Paradiso, but there are no amenities.

There is a promenade above the beach. It is especially crowded here in the evening and in the morning. If you are 3 km away from the center, you can swim on the municipal beach of San Giuliano. There is a sandy coast, the entry into the water is gentle. Umbrellas and sun loungers are available for rent. And close up you can see the ruins of Tonnara San Giuliano and windmills: these are the main attractions of Trapani.

Favignana island

When visiting Trapani, you should definitely drive to the neighboring island. You can take a ferry from Trapani to Favignana. And you should move around the island on a rented bike or on foot: it is too small for a car. But, if the transport has already been dismantled, and there is no desire to go by bus along the coast, it is recommended to move on foot.

The coast is cut with cozy bays, among which it is difficult to choose the most beautiful one. But swimming is pleasant in any of them. Most visited places by tourists:

  • Lido Burrone is the most equipped and longest;
  • Bue Marino is a diving paradise;
  • Kapa Azzurra is a beautiful sand;
  • Capa Rosa is an amazing mix of colors.

And those tourists who are too lazy to go far can swim near the pier: there is a shallow sea and a sandy coast. The main attraction of the island is the tuna museum, founded by the owner of the island, Inazio Florio.


If you go along the coast from Trapani towards Palermo, then it is simply impossible to bypass Alcamo. This ancient city was founded in the 12th century. Throughout its history, it was owned by Arabs, Normans, Turks and Greeks. Alcamo is built on a hill, from the highest point of which there is an excellent panorama of the sea and city streets. The old center is well preserved.

Here you can see:

  • castle of dukes Enrico and Federico Chiaramonte
  • Church of Saints Francis and Paola
  • church of St. Tommaso
  • de Ballis tower

The old center immerses tourists in the atmosphere of the Middle Ages. A particularly vivid illusion occurs at sunset hours. It is noteworthy that tourists come here who choose a cultural holiday. Alcamo has a great fish market selling freshly caught fish and seafood.


It is noteworthy that the Palermo area is quite wooded. Once mixed and deciduous forests covered all of Sicily. But for many centuries, local residents have been predatory cutting down trees for the construction of ships and household needs. Today, the remaining forests are concentrated in the northern part of the island. The contrast with the south coast is especially noticeable when driving from south to north.

It will not be possible to inspect (even briefly) the capital of Sicily in one day: you will have to stay here for at least 2-3 days. And housing should be chosen closer to the center: this will save time moving around the city. All the main attractions are concentrated here. The Kasa Kala hotel demonstrates a good value for money. It offers duplex rooms at a reasonable price. The hotel is located not far from Vittorio Emanuele, Kuznetsky Most.

Palermo is worth exploring thoughtfully, because 4 cultures are layered here:

  • Byzantine
  • arabic
  • European
  • sicilian

And when examining the buildings of the historical center, it is easy to independently determine by what nation and when it was created. And the stories about the Sicilian mafia frighten and excite (however, this is all in the distant past: the current names are engaged in legal business). Palermo is a bustling multicultural city. Immigrants from Africa and Asia settled in the places adjacent to the historical center. Therefore, one should not move away from tourist routes.

Palermo has a huge number of restaurants and cafes where you can taste dishes from almost any cuisine in the world. And the luxurious Sicilian wine will not leave anyone indifferent. The best beaches are located outside the city limits, but they are great. The cleanest sand, gentle entry into the water, the gentle and warm Tyrrhenian Sea attract lovers of relaxation on the coast. And those who want to tickle their nerves must go down to the catacombs. The endless underground galleries are inhabited by the dead. Scientists have counted more than 8000 remains of people buried here at different times.


To get to Cefalu, drive 73 km east of Palermo. By the way, when approaching the city, the highway becomes toll. Perhaps this is due to the fact that many tunnels had to be built. Cefalu is small but charming in its own way. One day is enough to inspect it. But if you want to visit the nearby Madoni National Park or relax on the wide bank of Le Salinelle, then you can rent an excellent hotel in the center: Palazzo Maria. The prices are reasonable and the service is excellent.

Archaeologists claim that the sicules first settled on the rock, repeating the shape of the head. They were attracted by the inaccessibility of the place. The second inhabitants of Cefalu were the Greeks: they rebuilt the settlement and named it Kefaloidion. They fortified the city and equipped a convenient harbor. During the war with the Arabs, the invaders had to work hard to punch holes in the city walls.

At various times, Cefalu belonged to Byzantium, Arabs and Normans: the name given by the latter has survived to this day. And Cefalu became part of Italy in the 19th century. Among the cultural attractions, the Cathedral is worth visiting: its mosaics have no analogues. And if you get bored, you should go to the Mandralisk Art Gallery. There is a great city beach here: clean and well-groomed, but too cramped. Lovers of space tend to visit La Salinelli. Its length is 8 km, the coast is sandy, and entry into the water is shallow almost everywhere.


Mistretta is located 90 km east of Palermo. From Cefalu, drive 32 km. It is a small commune in the Messina district. One day is enough for sightseeing. If you are planning a secluded vacation, it is worth staying at the Hotel Neart of Sicily. There are comfortable rooms with a sea view, good cuisine. There are few tourists in Mistretta.


Is it worth driving into the interior of the island? Everyone decides for themselves. When traveling by car, there is a unique opportunity to see the life of non-resort Sicily. True, you should be prepared for the fact that entertainment and attractions will be slightly less than expected. Nicosia is located in the mainland of Sicily. It is equidistant from Piedmont and Messina, so in the past it played an important strategic role. The cities were well fortified and were a serious obstacle to the invaders. No wonder Nicosia is translated as the City of Victory.

The first inhabitants were settlers from Lombardy and Piedmont. The monarchs also did not leave the city unattended: under William II it was declared a royal residence, and Charles 5 came here in 1535. Nicosia was almost completely destroyed by the 1967 earthquake.The buildings were partially restored, but the city lost its former grandeur: today it is inhabited only by elderly people. Young people leave in search of a better life, and even African immigrants do not stop here.

It is interesting to see the cathedral. It is named after Saint Nicholas, the patron saint of Nicosia. A crucifix made of wood made in the 17th century is kept here. If you go up to the upper part of Nicosia, you can admire the castle ruins. Nicosia has excellent, inexpensive local wine and excellent fruits. And in addition to the meal, there will be soft cheese produced by the peasants.

Galliano Castelferrato

It is the end point of the Sicily road trip. The city is located away from the tourist routes, in the depths of Sicily. Galliano Castelferrato gives the impression of being as sparsely populated as Nicosia. Even migrants from Asia and Africa do not stay here. The streets are empty, tourists do not meet. The main advantages of the town are wine and soft cheese. It is made here from goat and sheep milk, the taste is quite specific, for an amateur. But it's a great addition to wine.

In Galliano Castelferrato, you can stop for a few days to explore in detail the Nebrodi National Park, located 29 km away. From Galliano Castelferrato we return to Catania. One important step remains: the delivery of the rented car. An employee of the company arrived at the parking lot near the airport exactly at the appointed time. The process took about 5 minutes: the car was examined, there was no damage. The keys have been handed over. Goodbye hospitable Sicily! The plane goes home in 1.5 hours.

Sicily route by car on the map


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